The True Celtic Race

 Ancient History 

 Golden Age Downfall








CELTICA had always been inhabited by a single pure and homogeneous race: the Celts.

Scholars say that the Celts are a tall race, warlike and masterful. They describe the Celts in almost exactly the same terms as those which are applied to the Germanic races and their opinion is that the real physical difference lays in the fact that the fairness of the Germans was blond, and that of Celts red.

Other scholars say that the Celts are tall athletic fair men, evidently belonging to the Scandinavian type, which is common in the extreme North of Scotland, but both in colouring and in general aspect they are very different from the tall and fair Highlanders.

There is not a trace of red in Celtic hair and their hair can be yellow, while the prevalence of red among the Celtic-speaking people today is a most striking characteristic.

People called Celts in present day, who carry on the Celtic tradition and language, are in some respects very different from the Celts of classical history.

The true Celts are anyway certainly fair. Even the Irish Celts of the twelfth century are described by all scholars as a fair race.

Ancient writers say that the Celts had long hair and beards and moustaches.

Roman stone reliefs show Celts wearing tunics or tabards made of animal skins.

In war Celts used a double-headed, short handled axe, the sword and the spear.

They are known to have used a particular style of war trumpet, an instrument which curved upwards from the mouthpiece and terminated several feet above the users’ head.

Little is known about the clothing of Celtic women since they do not appear in Roman carvings which typically featured Celtic prisoners taken in battle.

(Carlo Calzolari 3^B int.)